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Conferences and Workshops

Workshop "Multimodal prominence" co-organized with Frank Kügler, Pielar Prieto, Susanne Fuchs, Alexandra Cwiek, Katja Liebal, Frederica Amici (Goethe Universität Frankfurt/ Main)

DGfS summer school 2024, seminar on „How meaning emerges in gestures. A cognitive-semiotic approach“, Goettingen.

Co-organizer of the "Viadrina Open Lecture Series" for refugees living in Brandenburg, students and employees of the Viadrina and Frankfurt residents

Collaboration with Chiara Zulberti, Katja Liebal and Federica Amici (Compositional Structures in Chimpanzee Gestural Communication, University Leipzig), within the DFG Collaborative Research Program 2392 "Visual Communication" (ViCom) and Jana Bressem (TU Chemnitz).

In this project, we aim to address these limitations by implementing a novel bottom-up form-based approach to reliably identify different gesture types in chimpanzee communication. This method will allow us to systematically assign gesture units to different categories based on their formal features, reducing the subjective bias of top-down classifications. Specifically, the hereby proposed collaboration has two main objectives:

  1. to develop a coding scheme that describes salient aspects and criteria of gestural forms in chimpanzees
  2. to apply this form-based coding scheme to the identification of chimpanzee gesture types

This approach will foster a comparative understanding of gestural communication, by developing and testing a form-based tool for the categorizations of gesture types in species other than humans.


Conference presentation: 5.-7. June 2024, EFP 2024, Lausanne, Schweiz. ChimpLASG: a form-based approach to the classification of chimpanzee gestures.

Panel organization "Gestures and their relation to speech and sign" (together with Jana Bressem and Simon Harrison).

Panel organization "The Diversity of Recurrency: Recurrent gestures cross-linguistically" at the 8th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS) in Cape Town (together with Jana Bressem and Simon Harrison).

Organization of the Viadrina Gesture Center of the European University Viadrina.

Organization of the 4th international workshop "Mapping multimodal communication" (MaMuD 4, together with Dorothea Horst and Lena Hotze).

Organization of the workshop "Methods of Gesture Analysis I+II", Frankfurt (Oder), with Jana Bressem and Cornelia Müller.

Organization of the interdisciplinary colloquium of the Berlin Gesture Center (BGC).

Scientific activities

Expertises for scientific publishers, journals and foundations

John Benjamins, De Gruyter, Brill Verlag, Glossa, Journal of Pragmatics, Frontiers in Psychology, Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, Gesture, Language Resources and Evaluation, Journal of Multimodal Communication Studies

Member of the scientific committee

  • International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS-4, 2020/22)
  • International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC, 2019, 2021)
  • UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference (UKCLC 2020)
  • Gesture and Speech in Interaction (GESPIN, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)
  • International Society for Gesture Studies Conference (ISGS, 2016 und 2018)
  • International Conference on Multimodal Communication (2017)


  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft,
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kognitive Linguistik
  • International Pragmatics Association
  • International Cognitive Linguistics Association
  • International Society for Gesture Studies
  • Researching and Applying Metaphor

Dr. Silva Ladewig

Seminar für Deutsche Philologie
Käte-Hamburger-Weg 3
D-37073 Göttingen

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