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Welcome to my website! I'm dedicated to making scientific discoveries and theories both accessible and practical for all. Here, you'll find a curated selection of articles and projects that bridge the gap between science and society.


25.06.2024: Collaboration with ZDFinfo

Collaboration with the online editorial team of ZDFinfo, a German TV channel, for a feature on intercultural gesture use

Feb. 2022 Interview for the Mittelbayerische Zeitung

Interview on the topic of "Language and thinking"

5. May 2021: Podcast interview

Interview on the formation of sign language names in the podcast "A new day".

26. June 2019: Interview on Radioeins

 Interview on 25 years of Stefan Effenberg's middle finger

24. September 2017 Interview for ZEIT Doctor

Interview on the use of gestures in everyday communication.

13.10.2016: Education Campus Nuremberg

Talk on "What our body knows and what it communicates. 'Body language' in the light of modern gesture research" (invited by Tobias Wildner).

23. September 2016: Hygiene Museum Dresden

Exhibition film on multimodal metaphor "Grasping meaning. Metaphor in spoken language and gesture", published as part of the special exhibition "Language" at the Deutsches Hygienemuseum Dresden.

2016: House of the little researchers

Ladewig, Silva H. & Paul Kramer (2016). Andere Länder, andere Gesten, published on the website of the "Haus der kleinen Forscher".

9. September 2014: Deutscher Weiterbildungstag

Lecture on the topic "What gestures can do (more)" (invited by WBS Training AG).

Dr. Silva Ladewig

Seminar für Deutsche Philologie
Käte-Hamburger-Weg 3
D-37073 Göttingen

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